Author: Thiemo Wambsganß

  • Two full papers accepted at ECIS 2024

    Exciting news from our cutting-edge Human-Centered AI-based Learning Lab! 🌟 We’re thrilled to share our latest breakthroughs in the world of education and AI. We had two groundbreaking papers at the prestigious ECIS 2024 conference were accepted. In the first paper, “Investigating the Influence of Kolb’s Learning Cycle Embedded in Conversational Agents on Learning Outcomes,”…

  • Four full papers accepted at ACM CHI24

    We are happy that we could publish for full paper at this years premier conference on Human-Computer Interaction: These papers represent our commitment to pushing the boundaries of human-computer interaction and advancing technologies that facilitate creativity, learning, and productivity. We’re excited to share our insights and contribute to the vibrant community of HCI researchers and…